CSS Stats

CSS Specificity

When CSS doesn't do what you think it should, one of your first likely culprits is specificity. However, the notion of specificity shouldn't be a source of frustration. It provides a set of rules that you can count on when constructing your style sheets. There needs to be a system to determine which style property to use when there are conflicts, and specificity values do just that.

How is specificity determined?

Every selector has a specificity value. Whichever value is largest dictates which styles are applied. When the specificity value is the same between multiple rules, the rule that is defined last is the rule that is applied. When it comes to specificity, as a whole, the last rule defined determines the styling to be applied whenever there is a conflict.

As a general rule, it's best to spend time thinking about how to structure your styling in a more modular fashion. Leveraging OOCSS principles or a preprocessor would be a great place to start. This allows you to approach styling in a consistent, predicitable way. You should apply styling to an HTML document so specificity isn't even a consideration.

Web browsers use specificity like a hierarchy to determine which style properties to apply. This is how the styling of a document "cascades".

In order to make sense of what CSS selectors to prioritize, selectors are placed in four categories:

  • Inline styles
  • IDs
  • Classes and Attributes
  • Elements

Specificity categories

1. Inline styling

Inline styling will always win the "specificity war". Always.

2. IDs

ID selectors have a very high specificity value. This becomes especially problematic when you consider the fact that only one ID can be applied to an HTML element. So, similarly to inline styling, refrain from leveraging IDs for styling except under the most dire circumstances. IDs are best used for javascript DOM queries, anyway.

3. Classes, attributes, and pseudo-classes

Classes, attributes, and pseudo-classes are the bread and butter of properly implemented OOCSS that makes specificity a mere hiccup during development. A class selector will always have a higher specificity value than an element selector.

Classes are perfect for implementing styling that isn't the default. For example, if you want to make a link look like a button or give a paragraph a different line-height.

Attributes are also quite useful for selecting, for example input[type="submit"] will select the submit button, but leave all the other input types alone. This is handy for adding submit button styles.

Pseudo-classes include selectors like :hover, :first-child, and :active. They can be used to apply more specific styling to a given state or property element.

4. Elements and pseudo-elements

This category is the lowest in the specificity value hierarchy. These selectors are typically used for a webpage's baseline styling. This is especially useful for any style elements that will likely be applied to the majority of elements.

Applying baseline styles for background-color, font-family, font-size, and color, among others, is useful in establishing a general feel for your webpage. This is desirable because it ensures a large amount of site styling without stacking on unnecessary specificity and complex cascading styles.

Calculating specificity

You can calculate the specificty by giving point values to different types of selectors.

  • Inline Styles get 1000 points
  • IDs get 100 points
  • Classes, attributes, and pseudo-classes get 10 points
  • Elements and psuedo-elements get 1 point each

For a visual explanation, see cssspecificity.com.

Using the specificity graph

CSS Stats shows a graph of specificity which can be used to illustrate the health of CSS. The ideal chart is upward trending. This means that more specific selectors are found at the end of a stylesheet ensuring that more specific selectors are one-off overrides rather than a common pattern.

Learn more about the specificity graph

Further reading