CSS Stats offers a JSON API that can be used in other tools. It's completely open source and free to use. All responses are JSON objects.
The Stats endpoint is the primary API for CSS Stats. It takes a url query parameter which is used to scrape all CSS and then return a stats object based on the CSS it finds. This is what the app itself uses to populate the CSS visualizations.
stats: {},
css: {
links: [''],
styles: [''],
css: ''
Where the stats object has the following shape:
size: n,
gzipSize: n,
rules: {
total: n,
size: {
graph: [n],
max: n,
average: n
selectors: {
total: n,
id: n,
class: n,
type: n,
pseudoClass: n,
psuedoElement: n,
values: [str],
specificity: {
max: n
average: n
declarations: {
total: n,
unique: n,
important: [obj],
prop: [str]
mediaQueries: {
total: n,
unique: n,
values: [str],
contents: [
value: str,
rules: {
total: n,
size: {
graph: [n],
max: n,
average: n
selectors: {
total: n,
id: n,
class: n,
type: n,
pseudoClass: n,
pseudoElement: n,
values: [str],
specificity: {
max: n,
average: n
declarations: {
total: n,
unique: n,
important: [obj],
vendorPrefix: n,
properties: {
prop: [str]
If you'd like to get a snapshot of CSS Stats for a url for a particular date, you can use the History API.
This API uses Archive.org's Wayback Machine
so you must have a robot.txt
that allows bots and the closest snapshot
for the given date will be used.
Currently, all requests scrape directly from the Wayback Machine so please throttle your requests so that everyone can use this service.
The date must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
The returned JSON object is in the same shape as the Stats API.
If you only want to retrieve the CSS for a given url you can use /api/css
It will return all the CSS links, style elements, and an aggregated CSS string.
The retrieval will follow CSS imports recursively.
The endpoint will also return the page title and HTML string returned by the URL.
links: [
styles: [
css: '',
pageTitle: '',
html: ''